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1189 products

Showing 1105 - 1152 of 1189 products

Showing 1105 - 1152 of 1189 products
Himalaya Chai Bio 17 Stk. - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 4.50
Yogi Tea Himalaya, spiced tea, EU organic 17 pcs.Yogi Tea In stock, 7 units
Schachtel mit Yogi Tea Sweet Chai Gewürztee von Yogi Tea, mit einer dekorativen Illustration auf einer rosa Tasse mit Kräutern und Gewürzen wie Anis, Fenchel und Lakritze. Enthält 17 Teebeutel (34g) mit Symbolen für kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.
Sale priceCHF 4.20
Yogi Tea Black Chai Organic 17 pcs.Yogi Tea In stock, 5 units
"Nach dem Essen" - Tee Bio 17 Stk. - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 4.20
Yogi Tea After Meal - Organic Tea 17 pcs.Yogi Tea In stock, 3 units
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Yogi Tea Turmeric Chai, spiced tea, EU organic 17 pcs.
Sale priceCHF 4.45 Regular priceCHF 4.50
Yogi Tea Turmeric Chai, spiced tea, EU organic 17 pcs.Yogi Tea In stock, 5 units
Chocolate ginger balls organic 120g
Sale priceCHF 5.65
Chocolate ginger balls organic 120gGovinda Only 1 unit left
Mango Püree 210ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 4.95
Govinda mango puree (Alphonso), EU organic 210mlGovinda In stock, 3 units
Moringa Kapseln Bio 50 Stk. - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 29.00
Moringa capsules organic 50 pieces.Zimmerli Only 1 unit left
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Tulsi Kapseln Bio 50 Stk. - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 27.85 Regular priceCHF 29.00
Tulsi capsules organic 50 pieces.Zimmerli In stock, 2 units
Rhodiola Rosea (Rosenwurz) Kapseln Bio 50 Stk. - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00
Rhodiola Rosea (Roseroot) Capsules Organic 50 pcs.Zimmerli In stock, 3 units
Acerola Pulver Bio 100g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Adapto-Tee-Mix Bio 100g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 20.00
Adapto tea mix organic 100gZimmerli Only 1 unit left
Kurkuma Pulver Bio - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 10.00
turmeric powderZimmerli Only 1 unit left
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Angelika (Engelwurz) Kapseln Bio - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 29.00
Angelica (angelica) capsules organicZimmerli Only 1 unit left
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Shatavari Kapseln Bio - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 29.00
Shatavari capsules organicZimmerli In stock, 3 units
Süssholz Tee Bio 100g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 12.00
Licorice tea organic 100gZimmerli Only 1 unit left
Ashwagandha Tee Bio 100g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 18.00
Ashwagandha tea organic 100gZimmerli In stock, 4 units
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Ashwagandha Kapseln Bio - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 27.40 Regular priceCHF 29.00
Ashwagandha capsules organicZimmerli In stock, 6 units
Ashwagandha Pulver Bio - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 21.60
Ashwagandha powder organicZimmerli In stock, 5 units
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Kräuter-Mundöl 100ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 23.70 Regular priceCHF 28.90
APEIRON Herbal Mouth Oil 100ml Apiron In stock, 11 units
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KHADI hair tonic Wonder Hair Tonic 100ml
Sale priceCHF 17.50 Regular priceCHF 21.90
KHADI hair tonic Wonder Hair Tonic 100ml Khadi Only 1 unit left
Kokos Shikakai Conditioner 200ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 24.50
Coconut Shikakai Conditioner 200ml Khadi In stock, 4 units
Neem Anti-Schuppen Shampoo 200ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 21.90
Neem anti-dandruff shampoo 200ml Khadi In stock, 4 units
Das KHADI Shampoo Amla Volume 200ml wird in einer Flasche mit einem aufwendig gestalteten kastanienbraunen Etikett geliefert. Es ist mit kraftvollen indischen Kräutern angereichert und sorgt für üppiges Volumen, stärkt die Haarwurzeln und revitalisiert graues Haar.
Sale priceCHF 21.90
KHADI Shampoo Amla Volume 200mlKhadi Only 1 unit left
Centella New-Cell Körperöl 50ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 20.15
Centella New-Cell Body Oil 50mlKhadi In stock, 2 units
Rose-Love Gesichts- und Körperöl 100ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 29.90
Rose-Love face and body oil 100ml Khadi In stock, 3 units
Zahnöl Kurkuma Bio 100ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 13.70
Tooth oil turmeric organic 100mlEliah Sahil In stock, 2 units
Save 24%
Rucksack-Tasche Yoga-Lotus altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack-Tasche Yoga-Lotus altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack bag Yoga-Lotus old pink smallMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Save 24%
Rucksack-Tasche Lakshmi altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack-Tasche Lakshmi altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack bag Lakshmi old pink smallMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Save 24%
Rucksack-Tasche Lakshmi sand klein - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack-Tasche Lakshmi sand klein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack bag Lakshmi sand smallMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Save 34%
Rucksack-Tasche Ganesha grau klein - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack-Tasche Ganesha grau klein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 39.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack bag Ganesha gray smallMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Save 34%
Rucksack-Tasche Ganesha altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack-Tasche Ganesha altrosa klein - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 39.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack bag Ganesha old pink smallMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Save 24%
Rucksack Lakshmi altrosa gross - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack Lakshmi altrosa gross - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack Lakshmi old pink largeMana Shop In stock, 2 units
Save 24%
Rucksack Ganesha braun gross - Mana Kendra GmbHRucksack Ganesha braun gross - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 45.00 Regular priceCHF 59.00
Backpack Ganesha brown largeMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Portemonnaie Yoga blau - Mana Kendra GmbHPortemonnaie Yoga blau - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 37.00
Wallet Yoga blueMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Portemonnaie Yoga rosa - Mana Kendra GmbHPortemonnaie Yoga rosa - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 37.00
Yoga wallet pinkMana Shop Only 1 unit left
Portemonnaie Yoga violett - Mana Kendra GmbHPortemonnaie Yoga violett - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 37.00
Wallet Yoga purpleMana Shop In stock, 2 units
Save 14%
Portemonnaie Ganesha altrosa - Mana Kendra GmbHPortemonnaie Ganesha altrosa - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 32.00 Regular priceCHF 37.00
Wallet Ganesha old pinkMana Shop In stock, 2 units
Save 63%
Trinkflasche Neopren - Ganesha 500ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 15.00 Regular priceCHF 41.00
Drinking bottle Ganesha spiritual glass with neoprene 500mlFlaska In stock, 3 units
Save 67%
Trinkflasche Kork - Love & Gratitude 500ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 15.00 Regular priceCHF 46.00
Drinking Bottle Cork - Spiritual Glass - Love & Gratitude 500mlFlaska In stock, 3 units
Kartenset: Orakel der indischen Götter - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 47.00
Card Set: The Oracle of the Indian GodsI. Arés In stock, 3 units
Jojoba Öl 500ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 64.60
Jojoba oil 500mlMidgard Kalari Only 1 unit left
Dinesha Keram - Mana Kendra GmbHDinesha Keram - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 17.30
Ayurvedic massage oil Dinesha KeramMidgard Kalari Only 1 unit left
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Kapha Tee (Shamani) 150g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 22.10
Kapha tea (Shamani) 150gMidgard Kalari In stock, 5 units
Balashwaghandadi Thailam - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceFrom CHF 21.80
Ayurveda massage oil Balashwaghandadi ThailamMidgard Kalari In stock, 3 units
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Pitta Tee (Shamani) 150g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 22.10
Pitta tea (Shamani) 150gMidgard Kalari In stock, 5 units

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Mana Shop: High-quality products for well-being, spirituality and bodywork

TheMana Shopoffers a diverse selection of high-quality products that are specifically geared towards health, well-being, spirituality and bodywork. Whether it is natural care, yoga accessories, massage items or spiritual decorations - here you will find products that harmoniously support body, mind and soul. All items in the Mana Shop are carefully selected and based on sustainable and natural materials.

personal care products

Natural care for skin and hair

The Mana Shop offers a wide range of natural care products for daily use. These include high-quality aloe vera-based moisturizers, lotions and soaps that moisturize the skin and leave it feeling smooth. The range is complemented by hair care products such as shampoos and conditioners that gently cleanse and care for the hair without weighing it down. Products such as Aloe Propolis Cream and Aloe Lips lip balm offer special care for dry skin and lips.

yoga and meditation accessories

Support for a deep practice

For yoga and meditation lovers, the Mana Shop offers a variety of accessories to support the practice.meditation cushionsandmeditation chairsensure a comfortable sitting position during long meditation sessions. Yoga enthusiasts will also findcork yoga mats,yoga blocksandcork fascia balls, which are made from natural, eco-friendly materials. These products help promote flexibility and balance and increase well-being during practice.

massage and bodywork products

Rituals for Relaxation and Healing

For bodywork and massage, the Mana Shop offers a comprehensive selection of products suitable for various techniques and rituals. These includeritual cloths,massage oils,Ayurvedic oilsas well as Lomi Lomi and Tantra massage accessoriesThese products are ideal for professional bodywork and private wellness rituals and support relaxation, healing and energetic balance. Special products such asYoni Bliss,Garshan Gloves,nasal rinse saltandnasal irrigation cansare available in our range and are particularly suitable for Ayurvedic and tantric bodywork.

Spiritual Decorations

Creating a harmonious atmosphere

For a spiritual and relaxing atmosphere, the Mana Shop offers a selection of stylishdecorative items. These includelotus lamps,incense holder,gemstone pyramidsand other spiritual accessories that transform rooms into oases of calm. Especially gemstones such asrose quartzandamethystare valued for their positive energetic properties and can be used as jewelry or decoration.

clothing and textiles

Comfort and style in one

The Mana Shop also offers a selection ofwomen's clothingthat is not only stylish but also functional. Casual, boho-inspired pieces like thelotus print round neck tank topor thespring-print sweatpantsoffer comfort and freedom of movement for yoga, meditation or everyday life. The textiles are made of high-quality, natural materials and are a perfect fit for a holistic lifestyle.

nutritional supplements and wellness products

Support for Health and Vitality

Health is the focus in the Mana Shop, and therefore there are a variety ofdietary supplementssuch as multivitamin and mineral supplements that are specifically tailored to different needs. These products, including specialAyurveda recipesand herbal blends help to strengthen the body, support the immune system and improve daily vitality.

honey and tea products

Natural enjoyment for body and soul

The Mana Shop offers a selection oforganic honey productsandherbal teas, which come from ecologically managed sources. These products not only offer healthy enjoyment, but also support well-being. The organic herbal tea, for example, is a soothing blend of hand-picked herbs known for their calming and regenerating properties.

Conclusion: Everything for a fulfilled and healthy life

The Mana Shop offers a carefully curated selection of products that support people in living a healthy, balanced and spiritual life. Whether it is body care, yoga accessories, massage products or nutritional supplements - all items are designed to promote well-being and bring the body into harmony with mind and soul. All products areavailable in the Mana Shopand can be conveniently ordered online to enrich everyday life in a natural way.