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53 products

Showing 49 - 53 of 53 products

Showing 49 - 53 of 53 products
Weisser Salbei mit Lavendel - Räucherbündel - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 8.90
White Sage with Lavender Incense Bundle SmudgeBerk In stock, 6 units
Save 14%
Naturseife Bergamotte Salbei 100g - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 12.70 Regular priceCHF 14.70
Natural soap bergamot sage 100gKhadi In stock, 4 units
Teufelskrallen - Weihrauch Creme 100ml - Mana Kendra GmbH
Sale priceCHF 15.50
Phytomed Devil's Claw - Frankincense Cream 100mlPhytomed In stock, 2 units
Save 8%
Die dunkelgrüne Flasche mit der Aufschrift „Weihrauch Bio 10 ml“, der Marke Phytomed und einem schwarzen Verschluss, zeigt in elegantem Goldtext das ätherische Öl Boswellia carterii (Ätherisches Öl). Ein dezentes Blattdesign ziert die Seite und verspricht ein raffiniertes Dufterlebnis.
Sale priceCHF 29.50 Regular priceCHF 31.90
Frankincense organic 10mlPhytomed Only 1 unit left
Eine kleine dunkelgrüne Flasche mit der Aufschrift „Ätherisches Öl Lavendel Bio 10 ml“ von Phytomed, mit gold-weißem Text und einem dezenten Blattdesign auf der rechten Seite. Es handelt sich um ein ätherisches Lavendelöl, das sich ideal für die Aromapflege eignet. Oben links steht der Satz „Lavendel Bio“.
Sale priceCHF 15.40
Essential Oil Lavender Organic 10mlPhytomed In stock, 4 units

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Products for the Rauhnacht: Rituals for reflection and new beginnings

The Rauhnächte, a magical time between Christmas and Epiphany, invites you to reflect and make a new start. Our products help you to consciously shape this special phase and enrich your rituals.

What are the Rauhnächte?

The Rauhnächte comprise the twelve nights between December 25th and January 6th. According to tradition, the veils between the worlds are particularly thin during this special time. They are used to let go of the old, welcome the new and develop visions for the coming year.

Our products for the Rauhnächten

Incense for purification and clarity

With herbs and resins such as sage, frankincense or myrrh you can energetically cleanse rooms and create an atmosphere of clarity.

  • sage bundle:Perfect for energetic house cleansing and letting go of negativity.
  • Frankincense resin:Promotes meditation and creates a sacred mood.
  • Myrrh:Supports spiritual rituals through grounding and protection.

Ritual candles for light and intentions

Candlelight symbolizes hope and orientation during the Rauhnächten. Our ritual candles are ideal for manifesting wishes and visions for the new year.

  • Handmade beeswax candles:For a natural, warm atmosphere.
  • Candles with gemstone energy:Support specific intentions such as love, clarity or protection.

Essential Oils for Relaxation and Focus

Essential oils bring body and mind into balance. Our 100% pure oils are ideal for diffusers or diluted on the skin.

  • Lavender oil:Promotes relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Cedarwood oil:Helps with centering and grounding during your rituals.
  • Orange oil:Bring lightness and optimism to this contemplative time.

Rauhnacht diary for personal reflection

Accompany each Rauhnacht with a diary in which you record your dreams, thoughts and intentions. Our journals are specially designed for the Rauhnacht and offer inspiring questions as well as space for notes.

Rituals for the Rauhnächten

Energetic Cleansing

Start your rituals with an energetic cleansing of your rooms. Use sage or incense to drive away stagnant energies and make room for new ones.

Meditation and Visions

Use the silence of the Rauhnacht for daily meditation. Ask yourself questions like: What do I want to achieve in the new year? What do I want to let go of?

smoking ritual and wish list

Write twelve wishes for the new year on pieces of paper and burn one of them every night. Leave the remaining wishes to the universe.

Why products from the Mana Shop?

Our products for the Rauhnächte are hand-picked and of the highest quality. They not only support you in your rituals, but also promote a sustainable and conscious lifestyle.

  • Sustainable materials
  • Natural ingredients
  • Lovingly crafted for your Rauhächte

Design your Rauhnacht consciously and find a deep connection to yourself and the new year.Discover our products for the Rauhnächte – available in the Mana Shop!