Ground coriander organic
Coriander (Dhanyakam, Dhaniya) has the taste (rasa) tart, bitter, sweet, spicy. According to Ayurvedic understanding, the small, brown coriander seeds have a balancing effect on all three doshas, especially Pitta. Agni is strengthened.
Coriander seeds are prepared as tea or are an aromatic component of many spice mixtures. They go well with curry dishes, chutney, dhal and bread.
Effect on doshas:
Vata, Pitta, Kapha: lowering
Rasa: (taste)
spicy/katu, bitter/tikta, sweet/madhura, astringent/kashaya
Guna: (trait)
oily/snigda, light/laghu
Vipaka: (taste after digestion)
Coriander*, ground
* from controlled organic cultivation
Store in a cool and dry place