Ghee - Ayurvedisches Butterfett - Mana Kendra GmbH

Ghee is colloquially known as “boiled or clarified butter”. This means that the egg whites have been removed and only the butterfat remains. It therefore has a long shelf life, does not need to be refrigerated and can be heated to a high temperature.

In Ayurveda it is used in a variety of ways, such as preparation for drainage procedures, for cell regeneration, as an anti-inflammatory, as a carrier for herbal medicines, for detoxification and much more. Ghee is therefore indispensable in Ayurveda and should be used every day for cooking.

I also really like using ghee for skin care. If I have small rashes, impure or dry skin, I mix the ghee with a little honey and turmeric and apply it to the affected area. My dog ​​also gets a teaspoon of ghee in his food every day to keep his joints and gastrointestinal tract supple.

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