Was hat Eibisch mit Marshmallow und Husten zu tun? - Mana Kendra GmbH

Medicinal plant marshmallow against inflammation and cough

Marshmallow ( Althaea officinalis ) soothes mucous membranes and inhibits inflammation. In the Mana Shop you will find marshmallow products for tea and external applications.
Was hat Eibisch mit Marshmallow und Husten zu tun? - Mana Kendra GmbH

Medicinal plant marshmallow against inflammation and cough

Marshmallow ( Althaea officinalis ) soothes mucous membranes and inhibits inflammation. In the Mana Shop you will find marshmallow products for tea and external applications.
Süssholz, die süsse Heilung in der Wurzel - Mana Kendra GmbH

Licorice: History, Benefits & Application of the Medicinal Plant

Liquorice ( Glycyrrhiza glabra ) is a versatile medicinal plant that was valued in ancient times. It has a sweet, antispasmodic, expectorant and vitalizing effect.
Chyavanprash – Lebenselixier? - Mana Kendra GmbH

Chyavanprash – elixir of life?

Chyavanprash – elixir of life? What is Chyavanprash Chyavanprash is a sweet, savory paste made from amla, ghee, herbs and sugar. It is now widely available on the market as a healthy strengthening and regenerating agent for all age groups. Chyavanprash can be stirred into milk, spooned into a paste, or spread on bread like jam.
Ghee - Ayurvedisches Butterfett - Mana Kendra GmbH

Ghee - Ayurvedic butterfat

Ghee is colloquially known as “boiled or clarified butter”. This means that the egg whites have been removed and only the butterfat remains. It therefore has a long shelf life, does not need to be refrigerated and can be heated to a high temperature.

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