Healing art and life energy with beneficial recipes to strengthen your health
Ayurveda, "the knowledge of long life", is an ancient Indian healing system that brings body, mind and soul into a healthy balance. Individual nutrition theory with the credo “you are what you digest” plays a central role. The author Kerstin Rosenberg is a renowned and internationally recognized Ayurveda expert. In this book, for the first time, she deals with the nutritional and healing teachings of Ayurveda in a holistic manner for body, mind and soul and highlights both the preventive and therapeutic possibilities of Ayurvedic nutritional theory. In this standard work, she conveys this millennia-old healing knowledge in a clear and easy-to-understand way, which enables us to withstand the demands of the Western world and stay healthy. The readership receives valuable recommendations for daily nutrition that bring the doshas into a beneficial balance. The author's tempting recipes tempt you to try them again. With instructions for Ayurvedic light food days, fasting cures and applications that cleanse and purify the body.